The Golden Quarter is a unique place in Milan. It is an area where the city turns into another. The streets are narrower, and ugly asphalt pavement of the city sidewaks becomes a lovely cobblestone, everywhere you look there are exclusive shops, all tastefully decorated. A daily morning on a sunny day, the best time to visit it. In the morning there are not too many people and those who pass through are Italians, better dressed each. It's like a parade of style. It seems incredible that you can learn that much just walking.
The Golden Quarter is a unique place in Milan. It is an area where the city turns into another. The streets are narrower, and ugly asphalt pavement of the city sidewaks becomes a lovely cobblestone, everywhere you look there are exclusive shops, all tastefully decorated. A daily morning on a sunny day, the best time to visit it. In the morning there are not too many people and those who pass through are Italians, better dressed each. It's like a parade of style. It seems incredible that you can learn that much just walking.

✨Take time to do what makes your soul happy✨
Hi! I'm Juls. Thanks for visiting my blog. I am an architect, fashion & travel lover based in Madrid. I create content and I show all the nice and interesting things I find.
Como te envidio, tienes que estar disfrutando muchísimo en Milan, las gafas son geniales y lo shorts me gustan muchísimo. Hcía mucho que no me pasaba por aquí y no se porqué ya que me encanta tu blog.
ResponderEliminarUn beso desde
Must be so nice to walk there. Especially around all those amazing shops :). Looking very cute today! Love your sunnies!
ResponderEliminarXOXO from the Netherlands,
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
Que gafas más osadas! Hay que tener sin duda mucha personalidad para llevarlas. Un besazo desde
quiero tus gafas!!!
Me encanta ese sobre azul, entra algo?? :P
Que chulas las gafas!
ResponderEliminarUn beso
Thinking About Clothes
Me encantan las gafas, son muy originales!
Helloooo!!! ^^ Milan Milan Milan! No he ido aún, el unico lugar donde puedo decir que he pisado zona italiana es en la frontera con Suiza! jaja. Espero poder viajar a Italia uno de estos días. ^^
ResponderEliminarPor cierto, me encantan tus gafas, son muy edgy!! ^^ Podrias decirme donde las compraste?
Que chulas las gafas!! Me encanta la cami!!
ResponderEliminarXoXo **
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