The other day I was trying and getting some information about the laser hair removal. Did you try it? I have many friends who have done it long time ago but I never tried. I was at the dermatology clinic Corporación Capilar (C / Castelló 23, Madrid). I left the clinic very happy, they treat it from a medical point of view and you get the treatment you need depending on you and your lifestyle. I thought it will be painful, as I heard, but the truth is that pain is quite bearable, is more the new than the pain and I'm sure a second time will hurt even less. They explained me that there are different types of lasers depending on the skin tone and the hair and it has to be applyed the proper one to each. I show pictures of the clinic because I found it very beautiful and elegant, I was also treated really well, they were very close and I will tell you below everything I learnt.

Para empezar un tratamiento láser no te puedes haber depilado con cera o maquinilla desde un mes antes, porque te arrancan la raíz y el láser lo que hace es debilitara, por tanto si no hay raíz no sirve de nada. Tampoco puedes haber tomado el sol ni puedes tomarlo hasta un tiempo después. Pero todo esto te lo explican allí cuando vas a informarte.
Se puede hacer en casi todas las partes del cuerpo y el numero de sesiones tiene que ver con la calidad del vello y de la piel. Con el láser se consigue una depilación duradera y en muchos casos definitiva.
Si estáis pensando en la depilación láser daos prisa porque es mejor hacerlo antes de que llegue el buen tiempo. Tienen dos centro más, en Bracelona y en Sevilla.
To start a laser treatment you can not be waxed from a month earlier, because they tear the root and waht the laser does is to weak it, so with no root no results.You souldn't have been sunbathing and you can't do it after the treatment. But they explain all this when you go there.
It can be done in almost all parts of the body and the number of sessions has to do with the quality of the hair and skin. With the laser you get a lasting, and in many cases definitive, hair removal.
If you are considering a laser hair removal hurry up because it is better to do it before the warm weather comes. They have two more centers in Bracelona and Sevilla.

Hace años que me la hago y es una maravilla!
Thinking About Clothes
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