De momento no ha habido ningún año que estemos separados el 13 de Junio porque a pesar de que el año pasado estaba en Milán me habría arrepentido mucho si no hubiera cogido aquel vuelo sorpresa para estar aquí!
Disfruta de tu día!
Love you
He always says that 13 is not at all a bad luck number. It's his birthday and it's, for the whole family, a very special day, even when on Tuesday. I wish you the best in your day and like every year I will be with you to celebrate it.
Currently there has been no year we are separated on June 13, because even though last year was in Milan, I have regretted a lot if I had not caught that surprise flight to be here with you!
Enjoy your day!
Love you

que estilazo ya de pequeña, felicidades a tu papiiiiiii!!!!
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