Conseguía meterte en su mundo y llenaba el escenario con sus bailes y sus cambios de ropa. A penas duraba dos canciones con un mismo vestuario y el suelo la absorbía para volver a aparecer, en escasos dos minutos, con algo totalmente diferente. Ya veréis en el video la cantidad de puestas en escena diferentes que hay, desde un ambiente duro de motera hasta el más rosa. El micrófono siempre a juego con el vestuario y si no llovían corazones de papel había una bañera en medio del escenario, o un sofá con forma de labios, o un contorsionista interactuando con ella. Ha sido uno de los mejores espectáculos que he visto y me sorprendió mucho la energía y la simpatía de Kylie. Muy cercana con el público ya veréis en el video como hasta sube a un fan de la primera fila a hacerse un selfie con ella. Un tour muy trabajado y muy logrado que me dejó impactada.
El video no es nada del otro mundo, lo grabé desde la grada en la que estaba, pero quería que lo vieseis porque a veces con fotos o palabras no se transmite bien lo que fue.
This week all aboutl music! Last Monday was not an ordinary Monday. Licor 43 gave me the chance to go see one of the wold music divas. After enjoying what for me is the best mix, ginger43 (Ginger ale, 43 and lime) we went straight to the Palacio de los Deportes of Madrid to see the Kylie Minogue kiss me once tour. I have never seen Kylie live on stage before and that was an amazing show.
She managed to get us into her world and filled the stage with dancing and costume changes. She barely lasted two songs with the same outfit and after the ground absorbs her, in approximately two minutes, she came out again with something totally different. You'll see in the video how many different outfits and scenes were, from a hard environment to the pink Barbie world. The microphone allways matching with the dress and if was not raining paper hearts it was a bathtub in the middle of the stage, or a lip-shaped sofa, or a contortionist interacting with her. It has been one of the best shows I've ever seen and I was surprised by the energy and sympathy of Kylie. Very close to her fans you'll see in the video how a boy in the front row goes up to the stage to get a selfie with her. A very elaborate and accomplished tour that left me speechless.
She managed to get us into her world and filled the stage with dancing and costume changes. She barely lasted two songs with the same outfit and after the ground absorbs her, in approximately two minutes, she came out again with something totally different. You'll see in the video how many different outfits and scenes were, from a hard environment to the pink Barbie world. The microphone allways matching with the dress and if was not raining paper hearts it was a bathtub in the middle of the stage, or a lip-shaped sofa, or a contortionist interacting with her. It has been one of the best shows I've ever seen and I was surprised by the energy and sympathy of Kylie. Very close to her fans you'll see in the video how a boy in the front row goes up to the stage to get a selfie with her. A very elaborate and accomplished tour that left me speechless.
The video is not anything special, I recorded it from the stands where I was placed, but I wanted you see it because sometimes with pictures or words is not properly convey what it was.

uau, que experiencia más inaudita :)
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