Por la tarde no se nos olvidó mi abuela. Toda la familia fuimos a verla y a darle unas flores.
Fue uno de esos días donde no pasa nada pero pasan muchas cosas, que estás distraído pero te da tiempo a pensar y recapacitar para empezar la semana con la mente bien amueblada. Lo he pasado estupendamente y aunque me he olvidado un poco de mis obligaciones me ha venido genial para desconectar y coger el lunes con ganas.
Espero que tengáis una feliz semana. Un beso!
Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day with something that has already become a tradition at home, pancakes with strawberries. This time Tere, my sister, was the one that made them to surprise Mom.
In the afternoon we did not forget about my grandmother. The whole family went to see her and brought some flowers.
It was one of those days where nothing happens but many things happen, you're distracted but at the same time you take some time to think and rethink to start the week balanced again. I've had a great time and although I have forgotten about my duties it was great to me to take Monday with a positive mind. I hope you have a happy week. Kisses!

Estrené mis nuevos pantalones de ZARA, fueron un flechazo.
I wore my new ZARA pants, it was love at first sight