LOCATION: Vitra Store, Madrid
Por fin puedo contaros de que trató la acción que llevamos a cabo en Vitra Store este verano. Un grupo de bloggers y yo pudimos conocer en primicia los nuevos modelos de The Fab Glasses, probarlos y dar nuestra opinión sobre la campaña y el diseño. Nos hicieron una sesión de fotos, probamos varios modelos y elegimos dos de ellos. Me peinaron muy femme fatale, me gustó porque pegaba con ese ambiente a lo Mad Men que recrearon en una esquina de la tienda. Las fotos, entre las gafas y el fantástico mobiliario quedaron estupendas.
Como veréis son modelos bastante variados de sol y de ver con cristales de colores o neutros, modelos más atrevidos y otros más clásicos adaptados a esta nueva temporada.
Pronto os enseñaré mis elecciones, de momento os dejo las fotos oficiales y del making off.
Finally I can tell you about the action that we tried out in Vitra Store this summer. A group of bloggers and I had the chance to see first the new The Fab Glasses eyewear collection, We test them and give our feedback on the campaign and the glasses design. We did a photo shoot, we tried several models and chose two of them. They made me a really femme fatale hairstyle that I liked cause the atmosphere was so Mad Men, in a corner of the store. Photos, between the glasses and the fantastic furniture were great.
As you can see they have quite different models sun and progressive with colored glass or neutral, some of them more actual and others more classical but adapted to the new season.
Soon I will show my choices, for now I leave the official photos and making off.
Finally I can tell you about the action that we tried out in Vitra Store this summer. A group of bloggers and I had the chance to see first the new The Fab Glasses eyewear collection, We test them and give our feedback on the campaign and the glasses design. We did a photo shoot, we tried several models and chose two of them. They made me a really femme fatale hairstyle that I liked cause the atmosphere was so Mad Men, in a corner of the store. Photos, between the glasses and the fantastic furniture were great.
As you can see they have quite different models sun and progressive with colored glass or neutral, some of them more actual and others more classical but adapted to the new season.
Soon I will show my choices, for now I leave the official photos and making off.

Pero nena, qué pasada no?
Si!! fue genial! un beso enorme!
EliminarGreat pictures! These glasses are beyond chic!
ResponderEliminarFashion Soup
yuauuuuuuuu qué guapa :D
ResponderEliminaren la segunda foto de abajo del collage sales espectacualr
Esas son las oficiales! :) son super Mad Men verdad. MUA!
Eliminargreat post! thanks for sharing! love the behind the scenes look!
ResponderEliminarXO JNESS' jenessasheffield
Thankyou so much for the comment! :)
EliminarMuchas gracias por leerme y comentar / Thank you so much for reading and comment