Hace unos meses me decidí a probar la técnica de la micropigmentación de cejas. Por si no la conocéis es una de las soluciones para quienes tenemos las cejas desiguales, asimétricas o poco pobladas. En mi caso tenía alguna calva en las cejas, siempre me las pintaba, y además no era simétricas, tenía una más caída que la otra y no me daba cuenta pero se notaba en la mirada.
Me hice el microblading con Mónica Aránguez hace poco y quiero contaros todo lo que he aprendido y mi experiencia con esta técnica.
Me hice el microblading con Mónica Aránguez hace poco y quiero contaros todo lo que he aprendido y mi experiencia con esta técnica.
A few months ago I decided to try the eyebrow microblading thecnique. In case you do not know it, it is one of the solutions for those who have uneven, asymmetric or sparsely populated eyebrows. In my case I had a lack of hair on my eyebrow, I always painted them, and they were not symmetrical, I had one more down than the other and I did not realize.
I did the microblading with Monica Aránguez recently and I want to tell you everything I have learned and my experience with this technique.
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En realidad es como un tatuaje semipermanente. Se dibuja la forma que quieres conseguir de cejas, se rellena y se moldea la forma mediante un tatuaje pelo a pelo del color de tus cejas.
It's actually like a semi-permanent tattoo. You draw the eyebrow shape you want to get, fill it in and mold the shape with a hair to hair tattoo the color of your eyebrows.
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La primera cita que tuve Mónica fue de asesoramiento, me dibujó como quedaría la forma de mis cejas después del tratamiento, me levanto una que tenía claramente más caída y me dio la misma forma en ambas. Esa primera cita me convenció y me sacó de dudas, me vi muy guapa, me limpiaba y enmarcaba la mirada el hecho de tener las cejas perfectas.
En la segunda cita comenzamos el tratamiento. Primero elegimos el tono de pigmento según mi piel, volvió a dibujar la forma que obtendríamos como resultado y aplicó una primera crema anestésica. En la primera pasada lo que hace es como pasarte un mini peine con cuchillitas que te van dibujando cada pelo que posteriormente se cubrirá con pigmento. Esto duele un poco porque la anestesia es superficial y se nota algo de dolor. Yo la verdad es que lo llevé bien, no me pareció un sufrimiento extremo, eso si, intenté estar lo más relajada posible.
Cuando termina esta pasada se aplica otra vez anestesia y esta vez penetra y no se siente nada, la segunda pasada es una gozada.
Se deja el pigmento un rato y se retira. El resultado inmediato es espectacular aunque algo más oscuro de lo que quedará. A la hora de haber terminado empieza a oscurecer y a curarse.
The first appointment I had with Monica was for counseling, she drew me how the shape of my eyebrows would look after the treatment, she rise one that had clearly down and gave me the same shape in both. That first appointment convinced me and took me out of doubts, I looked very pretty, I cleaned and framed the look just by having perfect eyebrows.
In the second appointment we began the treatment. First we chose the pigment tone according to my skin, redrawn the shape we would get as a result and applied a first anesthetic cream. In the first pass feels like passing you a mini comb with knives that draw each hair that will later be covered with pigment. This hurts a little because the anesthesia is superficial and you notice some pain. The truth is that I handled it well, it didn't seem like extreme suffering, but I tried to be as relaxed as possible.
When this first pass is over, anesthesia is applied again and this time it penetrates and you don't feel anything, the second pass is a pleasure.
The pigment is left for a while and removed. The immediate result is spectacular although somewhat darker than what will remain. When it is finished, it begins to get dark and heal.

The first appointment I had with Monica was for counseling, she drew me how the shape of my eyebrows would look after the treatment, she rise one that had clearly down and gave me the same shape in both. That first appointment convinced me and took me out of doubts, I looked very pretty, I cleaned and framed the look just by having perfect eyebrows.
In the second appointment we began the treatment. First we chose the pigment tone according to my skin, redrawn the shape we would get as a result and applied a first anesthetic cream. In the first pass feels like passing you a mini comb with knives that draw each hair that will later be covered with pigment. This hurts a little because the anesthesia is superficial and you notice some pain. The truth is that I handled it well, it didn't seem like extreme suffering, but I tried to be as relaxed as possible.
When this first pass is over, anesthesia is applied again and this time it penetrates and you don't feel anything, the second pass is a pleasure.
The pigment is left for a while and removed. The immediate result is spectacular although somewhat darker than what will remain. When it is finished, it begins to get dark and heal.
La primera semana tiene que cicatrizar, el color es un 50% más intenso de lo que será el resultado final y se hacen como costritas.
Os dejo una foto de la primera semana.
The first week has to heal, the color is 50% more intense than it will be the final result and there are mini scabs.
I leave you a picture of the first week:
The first week has to heal, the color is 50% more intense than it will be the final result and there are mini scabs.
I leave you a picture of the first week:

Esa semana hay que cuidarlas y no tocarlas: lavarlas con un bastoncillo y aplicar una crema cicatrizante tres veces al día. Además durante esos primeros días no se pueden mojar ni les puede dar el sol. A mi me coincidió con los primeros días de playa, no las metía en el mar y siempre iba con sombrero.
Pasados los primeros siete días se quedan genial, con un color mucho más claro y súper naturales y ya se pueden mojar y hacer vida normal.
That week you have to take care of them and do not touch them: wash them with a cotton swab and apply a healing cream three times a day. Also during those first days you can not get wet or give them the sun. My first days at the beach I didn't put them in the sea and I always wore a hat.
After the first seven days they are great, with a much lighter color and look super natural and can get wet and normal life.
After the first seven days they are great, with a much lighter color and look super natural and can get wet and normal life.
Al mes siguiente Mónica me volvió a ver en una tercera cita para ver qué tal había reaccionado mi piel y para una segunda pasada para que quede el color bien fijo y duren perfectas. El proceso es el mismo.
The following month Monica saw me again in a third appointment to see how my skin had reacted and for a second pass so that the color is well fixed and lasts perfect. The process is the same.
The following month Monica saw me again in a third appointment to see how my skin had reacted and for a second pass so that the color is well fixed and lasts perfect. The process is the same.
Duran perfectas un año y luego habría que repetir. Este es el resultado. Estoy súper contenta porque son lo que yo quería, muy naturales y no me hace falta rellenarlas. El resultado es espectacular. Muy sutil pero se nota mucho en la cara.
They are perfect for one year and then have to be repeated. This is the result. I am very happy because they are what I wanted, very natural and I don't need to fill them in. The result is spectacular. Very subtle but you can see it on your face.
They are perfect for one year and then have to be repeated. This is the result. I am very happy because they are what I wanted, very natural and I don't need to fill them in. The result is spectacular. Very subtle but you can see it on your face.
Contacto Mónica Aránguez: info@monicaaranguez.com
Precio: 290€* (incluye asesoramiento, micropigmentación y repaso al mes)
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