Yesterday I was in Madrid's Fashion night out. It was a event from VOGUE where all the exclusive boutiques like Chanel, Dior, Louis Vouitton, Prada, Miu Miu....opened their door from 20:00 to 00:00 to the invited people of VOGUE.
There was champaigne, a coctail, sushi and macaroons to all of us, and we could saw the new lines from each brand.
The street was crowded of different people and as you can imagine all of them were wearing amazing things, specially complements. There were also lots of celebrities and models all around and a red carpet covering the street. Ligths, cameras, TV, celebrities, shopping, car service chofers...that was amazing!!!

La calle estaba llena de gente diferente y como podéis imaginar todo el mundo iba vestido de manera increible, especialmente destacaban los complementos.
qué guapa ibas ju... por cierto me encanta me encanta me encanta que tengamoslas ideas que tenemos! jajajaja (soy lau como podrás suponer...)
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